
What Sleeknote is All About

You know what Sleeknote does.
Now learn why we do what we do—and the people who make it possible.

A Tale of Two Companies

Sleeknote began as two companies: Twami, founded by Mogens and Patrick, and the original incarnation of Sleeknote, founded by Emil and Daniel. With a background in e-commerce and a similar vision, we merged the two companies to do one thing and one thing well: help e-commerce brands engage their website visitors without hurting the user experience.

When we founded Sleeknote, there were several lead generation tools on the market. But few, if any, gave savvy e-commerce marketers the flexibility to engage their site visitors on their terms. We like to think we changed that.

Jens Baggesens Vej 90A
8200 Aarhus N

One Subscription. Multiple Popups.

Create multiple, unique popups for different groups of visitors for each of your goals.

producttype collect

Collect More Emails

Grow a segmented email list with quality subscribers.

producttype increase

Increase Your Sales

Sell more to your website visitors and make the most of your traffic.

producttype guide

Guide Your Visitors

Send visitors to the right products and pages at the right time.

producttype help

Help Visitors Out

Invite visitors with to contact you at the exact moment they need help.