Frequently Asked Questions

Let our team of conversion experts set up high-performing campaigns for you, so you have more time to do what you do best.

How does the free trial work?

After starting a free seven-day trial, you will get immediate access to all our products and features. After your free trial expires, you will be able to choose a plan from within the dashboard. Your paid account will replace your free account, and everything collected during your free trial—your campaigns, your leads, your data—will be carried over. If, at the end of your free trial, you decide Sleeknote is not for you, your account will expire at the end of the seven day trial period.

What is a visitor, and how is it measured?

A visitor is what Google Analytics calls a user. We use the term visitor—rather than the more common term “session”—because a visitor who views multiple pages during their visit will be counted as one visitor. 

Say you’re on a Basic monthly plan. Your allowance is 50,000 visitors per month. A visitor clicks on your site and visits three pages, and sees three Sleeknote campaigns (one on each page). This counts as one visitor, leaving 49,999 visitors for the remainder of the month.

What are the benefits of buying an annual plan?

First, we offer a 20 percent discount (see below). Second, we provide all visitors upfront. In other words, if you see a surge in traffic during the high-season (e.g., Black Friday) but a dip in the off-season, your visitor allowance will even out—removing the need to upgrade during busy periods.

What’s required to use Sleeknote?

All you need to do is integrate with your email service provider, add a piece of code to your website, and you’re ready to go. We can help you with this if need be.

Will Sleeknote slow down my site?

No. We don’t impact the loading time of your content due to what’s called “asynchronized loading.” You can read more about how Sleeknote factors in page loading time here.

Do you offer Enterprise plans?

Yes. If you have a large website with a lot of visitors and custom integration requirements, contact our Customer Success team to learn more. Get in touch here.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes! If you choose an annual subscription over a monthly, you’ll save 20 percent. The size of the discount will depend on the plan you choose.

What kind of conversion rates can I expect?

Given the number of variables that can affect conversions—number of views, type of industry, etc.—it’s impossible to give a benchmark. However, based on our study of 1+ billion popup sessions, we’ve seen some campaigns see a conversion rate as high as 15 percent. You can read more about our study here.

How will you bill me?

We will bill you monthly or annually, depending on the plan you choose. We use Stripe as our payment gateway and accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express if you choose to pay by card. You can also invoice Sleeknote directly if you prefer.

Can I cancel my account at any time?

Absolutely. If, at any time, you decide Sleeknote is no longer for you, contact Customer Support, and we’ll cancel your account immediately.

What happens if I go over my visitor limit for my plan?

We believe in rewarding website growth. That’s why we will never disable your campaigns. If you’re on target to exceed your visitor limit for your current plan, we will notify you at 75 percent of your limit and again at 90 percent. If you exceed 100 percent of your visitor limit, only then will we upgrade you to the next plan.

Can I upgrade my plan later on?

Of course! If, at any time, you decide to upgrade, say, to an annual plan, log in to the dashboard, click “Pricing,” and upgrade to a plan of your choosing.

Who should use Sleeknote?

Sleeknote is the most powerful lead generation software for online retailers, marketing agencies, and just about anyone that wants to increase their online conversions.

Do I need to have coding skills to use Sleeknote?

Not at all. Each of our 100+ popup templates is built with non-developers in mind. Choose one of our premade templates, customize to your preferences, and you’re good to go.

Can I use Sleeknote on client sites?

Yes! In fact, if you’re an agency, you might want to learn more about our Partner Program.

What happens when my free trial is over?

After your free trial ends, you will still have access to your account, and everything you collected—your campaigns, your leads, your data—will remain intact. Your campaigns, however, will stop showing on your site. If you become a customer, you’ll be able to choose the right plan based on the number of views your campaigns received during the trial period.

Can I use my own designs?

Yes! If you prefer not to customize one of our 100+ templates, you can create your own campaign from scratch.