The Role of Access Bars in Access Consciousness

Access Consciousness is basically a type of mental therapy that helps a person in gainingthe ability to have full command over their conscious.Access consciousness allows an individual to discover and explore the opportunities that they had never given a thought to. In simpler words, access consciousness makes you believe in yourself, makes you aware of the fact that nobody can convince you to not do something you plan on doing. Currently available in more than 173 countries around the world, access consciousness has been helping in bettering thousands of people’s lives over the past 30+ years. It’s the undeniable qualityof this therapy that attracts people in.

Access Bars At a Glance

The motive of this form of consciousness is to bring awareness and confidence to a person and free them from the fear of judgement; whether it’s their own or somebody else’s about them. The method of access consciousness follows a pattern of tools, which uplifts a person to maximum heights to achieve whatever they desire.

Access Bars, the 32 points on the head, are caressingly touched to smoothly free you from any barrier that’s trying to stop you. It’s an extremely effortless technique that stimulates the points to bring new, positive thoughts, beliefs, feelings, ideologies, and emotions into action. The bars are meant to provide relief and a sense of ease to explore newer opportunities.These bars are gently placed on the mentioned 32 points and then touched carefully and slowly. This method was first brought into existence by Gary Douglas in the year of 1990.

How It Works

An access bar therapy session starts with the practitioner carefully placing the bars on the 32 points of stimulation. Then, the bars are gently touched which releases an electromagnetic charge. This charge proceeds to navigate through the person’s feelings, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and decisions.

While having your bars run, your brain becomes more accepting of different sides and chances of a situation which you might initially be limiting yourself to. Not only does this session feel like an incredible massage, but it, in fact, brings you to a newer, greater version of yourself.

One of the major benefits of having the bars run is an improvement of mental health. Depression and anxiety seem to tone down after the therapy.

The bars are proven to minimise the intensity of insomnia. With a relaxed, stress-free mind, one falls asleep quicker and maintains the slumber to be uninterrupted from any disturbances.

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